Uncover the infinite in IT
How Can We Help?
Automation with Scripting
Backup and Recovery
Basic Security
Database Management
Monitoring and Performance
Networking Basics
User and Permissions
ELK Stack
Graylog Log Aggregation Cluster
Prometheus and Grafana
All iptables rules list
Automated Email Sender from CSV or Excel File
Automated HAProxy Config Sync & Reload
Automated Package Management
Automated Script Deployment and Execution with SSH
AWX, k9s, Dashboard on Kube Cluster
Mouse Movement Simulator for Windows
Multiscan script
Service Running Status Check and Restart
Setting up iptables-persistent
Creating Database Backups with mysqldump
Creating System Backups with rsync
Restoring from Backups
HAPS on Debian 12
SSH Secure Configuration
Automated HAProxy Config Sync & Reload
AWX, k9s, Dashboard on Kube Cluster
Galera Cluster for MySQL/MariaDB
HAProxy Cluster
MongoDB Replica Set
Storage Cluster with DRBD and GlusterFS
Web Servers with HAProxy for Failover
Creating and Managing Databases and Tables
Creating Database Backups with mysqldump
Installing and Configuring MySQL
Disk Usage Analysis with df, du, and ncdu
Monitoring System Resources with top, htop, and vmstat
Network Monitoring with netstat, ss, and iftop
Configuring SSH Access and Security
Setting Up Static and Dynamic IP Addresses
Understanding and Setting Up a Basic Firewall with UFW
Creating and Managing User Accounts
Implementing Sudoers File for Fine-Grained Access Control
Understanding and Setting Permissions with chmod and chown