Automation with Scripting Clusters

AWX k9s Dashboard on Kubernetes: Setup on Debian 12

Overview of AWX k9s Dashboard on Kubernetes

This guide details the installation and configuration of the AWX k9s Dashboard on Kubernetes using a Debian 12 cluster. Hence, it includes deploying AWX for Ansible automation, k9s for Kubernetes management, and Kubernetes Dashboard for a web-based cluster interface.

1. Kubernetes Cluster

Prerequisites for each node

  • Minimal installed Debian 12
  • 8 vCPU
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 50 GB free disk space
  • Sudo User with Admin rights
  • Stable Internet Connectivity
  • Ensure that each node can communicate with the others via a reliable network connection.
  • Ensure apparmor or SELinux are disabled / set to permissive / uninstalled
  • Ensure there is no firewall active

For the tutorial, I am using two Debian 12 systems.

  • Master Node (k8s-master) –
  • Worker Node 1 (k8s-worker) –

Official AWX Operator Documentation

Detailed guide on Automation

Set Host Name and Update Hosts File

Login to each node (master & woker nodes) and set their hostname using hostnamectl command.

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname "k8s-master.local"  // Run on master node
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname "k8s-worker.local"  // Run on worker node

Furthermore, add the following entries in /etc/hosts file on all the nodes, k8s-master.local k8s-master k8s-worker.local k8s-worker

Disable Swap on All Nodes

For kubelet to work smoothly, it is recommended to disable swap and run following commands on master and worker nodes to turn off swap.

sudo swapoff -a
sudo sed -i '/ swap / s/^(.*)$/#1/g' /etc/fstab

Install Containerd Run time on All Nodes

Containerd is the industry standard container run time and supported by Kubernetes, so, install containerd on all master and worker nodes.

Before installing containerd, set the following kernel parameters on all the nodes.

cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/modules-load.d/containerd.conf 
sudo modprobe overlay 
sudo modprobe br_netfilter
cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/99-kubernetes-k8s.conf
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 1
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 1 

Also, to make above changes into the effect, run

sudo sysctl --system

Additionally, install containerd on all the nodes.

sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install containerd

Furthermore, configure containerd so that it works with Kubernetes, run on all nodes

containerd config default | sudo tee /etc/containerd/config.toml >/dev/null 2>&1

Set cgroupdriver to systemd on all the nodes.

Therefore, edit the file /etc/containerd/config.toml and look for the section [plugins.”io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri”.containerd.runtimes.runc.options] and change SystemdCgroup = false to SystemdCgroup = true

Save and exit the file.

Ultimately, restart and enable containerd service on all the nodes,

sudo systemctl restart containerd
sudo systemctl enable containerd

Add Kubernetes Apt Repository

In Debian 12, Kubernetes related packages are not available in the default package repositories. We have to add the Kubernetes apt repository on all nodes

echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/kubernetes-apt-keyring.gpg] /" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list

curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/kubernetes-apt-keyring.gpg

Install Kubernetes Tools

Additionally, install the Kubernetes tools kubeadm, kubelet, and kubectl on all nodes.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install kubelet kubeadm kubectl -y
sudo apt-mark hold kubelet kubeadm kubectl

Install Kubernetes Cluster with Kubeadm

kubelet doesn’t appreciate the command-line options anymore (these are deprecated). However, I suggest to create a configuration file, say kubelet.yaml with following content.

kind: InitConfiguration
kind: ClusterConfiguration
kubernetesVersion: "1.31.0" # Replace with your desired version
controlPlaneEndpoint: "k8s-master"
kind: KubeletConfiguration

Now, we are all set to initialize the Kubernetes cluster, so run the following command only on the master node

sudo kubeadm init --config kubelet.yaml

To start interacting with the cluster, run the following commands on master node as a user

mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

On the other hand, you can run the next command as root. Thus, I recommend you run everything as root.

export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf

Run following kubectl command to get nodes and cluster information

kubectl get nodes
kubectl cluster-info

On your worker nodes, join them to the cluster by running the command that was displayed when you initialized the master node, so it will look something like this ‘Kubeadm join’

Note: To summarize, copy the exact command from the output of kubeadm init command. In my case it is

sudo kubeadm join k8s-master:6443 --token 21nm87.x1lgd4jf0lqiiiau 
--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:28b503f1f2a2592678724c482776f04b445c5f99d76915552f14e68a24b78009

Once it completes, check the nodes’ status by running the following command on master node

kubectl get nodes

Ultimately, to make nodes’ status Ready, we must install a POD network addon like Calico

Setup Pod Network Using Calico

On the master node, run the beneath command to install calico

kubectl apply -f

Verify the status of Calico pods and the status of the nodes again

kubectl get pods -n kube-system
kubectl get nodes

2. k9s

Download the latest .deb package from K9s Releases:


Install the package:

sudo dpkg -i k9s_Linux_amd64.deb

Run K9s:


3. Ansible AWX Tower

Install helm

curl -fsSL -o
chmod +x
helm version

Install the AWX helm repo

The easiest way to install AWX on Kubernetes is by using the AWX Helm repo. So, to install AWX via helm, first add its repository using

helm repo add awx-operator
"awx-operator" has been added to your repositories
helm repo update

Therefore, to install awx-operator via helm and create the awx namespace, run

helm install ansible-awx-operator awx-operator/awx-operator -n awx --create-namespace

Verify AWX operator installation

After the successful installation, you can verify AWX operator status by running

sudo kubectl get pods -n awx

Create the storage on worker and set permissions

mkdir /mnt/storage
mkdit /mnt/storage/data
chmod -R 700 /mnt/storage/data
chown -R 26:0 /mnt/storage/data
ls -la /mnt/storage/data/

Create PV, PVC and deploy AWX yaml file

AWX requires persistent volume for the postgres pod. So, let’s first create a storage class for the local volume

nano local-storage-class.yaml

Copy the following inside the file, save and exit

kind: StorageClass
  name: local-storage
  namespace: awx
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer

Once you exited the yaml file, run

kubectl create -f local-storage-class.yaml
kubectl get sc -n awx

Create persistent volume (pv) using the following pv.yaml file

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: postgres-pv
  namespace: awx
    storage: 10Gi
  volumeMode: Filesystem
  - ReadWriteOnce
  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete
  storageClassName: local-storage
    path: /mnt/storage
      - matchExpressions:
        - key:
          operator: In
          - k8s-worker

Save & exit the file and run

kubectl create -f pv.yaml

Once the pv is created successfully, create persistentvolumeclaim using pvc.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: postgres-13-ansible-awx-postgres-13-0
  namespace: awx
  storageClassName: local-storage
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 10Gi

Save & exit the file and run

kubectl create -f pvc.yaml

Verify the status of pv and pvc using the following command

kubectl get pv,pvc -n awx

Now, we are all set to deploy the AWX instance. Furthermore, create an ansible-awx.yaml file with the following content

kind: AWX
  name: ansible-awx
  namespace: awx
  service_type: nodeport
  postgres_storage_class: local-storage

Save & exit the file and run

kubectl create -f ansible-awx.yaml

Open k9s and watch the deployment in real time, using

k9s -n awx

Deployment can take up to 10 minutes. Once everything has Completed, or has Running status, you need to

Access AWX Web Interface

To access the AWX web interface, you need to create a service that exposes the awx-web deployment:

kubectl expose deployment ansible-awx-web --name ansible-awx-web-svc --type NodePort -n awx

This command will create a NodePort service that maps the AWX web container’s port to a port on the Kubernetes node. You can find the port number by running

kubectl get svc ansible-awx-web-svc -n awx

The output will be similar to

NAME                 TYPE       CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
ansible-awx-web-svc   NodePort   <none>        8052:32254/TCP   82s

By default, the admin user is admin for the web interface and the password is available in the -admin-password secret. To retrieve the admin password, run

kubectl get secrets -n awx | grep -i admin-password

It will output something like

ansible-awx-admin-password        Opaque               1      109m

Now let’s get the admin password

kubectl get secret ansible-awx-admin-password -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" -n awx | base64 --decode ; echo

That will output something similar to


You can now access the AWX web interface by opening a web browser and navigating to `http://:/`. In the example above, the URL would be

4. Kubernetes Dashboard

The easy way to install Kubernetes dashboard for your cluster is via the helm repo. Latest Kubernetes dashboard now has a dependency on cert-manager and nginx-ingress-controller. Fortunately, these dependencies can be automatically installed using the Helm repo

Add Kubernetes Dashboard Helm Repository

helm repo add kubernetes-dashboard
helm repo list

Install Kubernetes Dashboard Using Helm

To install Kubernetes dashboard using helm, run the following command

helm upgrade --install kubernetes-dashboard kubernetes-dashboard/kubernetes-dashboard --create-namespace --namespace kubernetes-dashboard

Accessing the dashboard

List the svc running on the kubernetes-dashboard namespace using the command below, and look for a service called kubernetes-dashboard-kong-proxy

kubectl get svc -n kubernetes-dashboard

1. On the collumn TYPE, it says ClusterIP. Therefore, we want to turn that into NodePort, because nodeport acts as a reverse proxy, forwarding the traffic from an external port to the internal port of the dashboard.

However, this is a critical step, because you can access the dashboard ONLY using https, so Kong is the King at this. Additionally, to convert it from ClusterIP to NodePort run

kubectl patch svc kubernetes-dashboard-kong-proxy -n kubernetes-dashboard -p '{"spec": {"type": "NodePort"}}'

2. If you relist the services, you’ll see something similar to

NAME                                   TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)         AGE
kubernetes-dashboard-api               ClusterIP     <none>        8000/TCP        12h
kubernetes-dashboard-auth              ClusterIP      <none>        8000/TCP        12h
kubernetes-dashboard-kong-proxy        NodePort    <none>        443:32393/TCP   12h
kubernetes-dashboard-metrics-scraper   ClusterIP   <none>        8000/TCP        12h
kubernetes-dashboard-web               ClusterIP   <none>        8000/TCP        12h

Furthermore, you need to remember the port for Kong that is on the right side of the :, next to /TCP. In this case, 32393.

3. You may open a browser and access the dashboard using https://master-ip:port. For example, in this case you need to access but you’ll see it requires a token.

In order to get a token, you can run one of 2 commands:

  • kubectl create bla bla
  • kubectl get bla bla

4. The difference is the first command issues a token valid for one hour and the second discloses the token associated to a service account, which doesn’t expire.

Therefore, to get a service account and the token for it, run the following

kubectl create serviceaccount dashboard-admin -n kubernetes-dashboard
kubectl create clusterrolebinding dashboard-admin-binding   --clusterrole=cluster-admin   --serviceaccount=kubernetes-dashboard:dashboard-admin
kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard create token dashboard-admin

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: dashboard-admin-secret
  namespace: kubernetes-dashboard
  annotations: dashboard-admin

kubectl get secret dashboard-admin-secret -n kubernetes-dashboard -o jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 --decode

As a result, the output of the last command will be a humongous line of characters that looks like a hash. That’s the token that you need to copy and paste in the token field from the dashboard web interface in order to login.

Conclusion on AWX k9s Dashboard on Kubernetes

Therefore, setting up the AWX k9s Dashboard on Kubernetes enhances cluster management and automation. With AWX for Ansible playbooks, k9s for efficient navigation, and the Kubernetes Dashboard for a web interface, this configuration ensures streamlined operations on Debian 12.