Clusters Database Management

MongoDB Replica Set

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In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of setting up a Replica Set, a critical feature for ensuring high availability and data redundancy in your Mongo database. A Replica Set is a group of MongoDB servers that maintain the same data set, providing automatic failover in case of node failure and increased data availability. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a fully functional MongoDB Replica deployed, which will allow you to take advantage of MongoDB’s built-in fault tolerance and scalability. Whether you’re managing a small-scale application or preparing for production-grade deployment, understanding how to configure and maintain a Replica Set is essential for MongoDB administrators.


  • Two MongoDB servers with static IPs.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Install MongoDB on Both Servers

1. Install MongoDB:

sudo apt install mongodb -y
Step 2: Configure Replica Set

1. Edit mongod.conf on each server:

sudo nano /etc/mongod.conf

Add the following under replication:

  replSetName: "rs0"

2. Restart MongoDB:

sudo systemctl restart mongod
Step 3: Initialize the Replica Set

1. Open MongoDB Shell on the primary server:


2. Initiate the Replica Set:


3. Add the Secondary Server:

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Setting up a MongoDB Replica Set is a key step towards building resilient and highly available databases for your applications. With the steps outlined in this tutorial, you’ve configured a Replica Set that ensures your data is replicated across multiple nodes, providing both fault tolerance and scalability. As your MongoDB environment grows, you can continue to expand your Replica Set to meet increased demands, improving overall system performance and data durability. By regularly monitoring your Replica Set and performing routine maintenance, you’ll ensure that your MongoDB cluster remains robust and capable of handling high-traffic scenarios without compromising data integrity.