Automation with Scripting

Multiscan Script Scanning


Discover how to enhance your network security using a Multiscan script for network scanning. This Python script integrates Nmap and SSLScan to automate vulnerability detection and log management.

What is the Multiscan Script?
The Multiscan script for network scanning automates the process of scanning multiple targets, making security assessments more efficient.

Step 1: Create the Script

Create the Python script ( in your desired directory. 

import subprocess
import time
import os
import shutil
import platform

def install_missing_packages():
    missing_packages = []

    if not is_tool_installed("nmap"):

    if not is_tool_installed("sslscan"):

    if missing_packages:
        print("The following packages are missing:")
        for package in missing_packages:

        response = input("Do you want to install the missing packages? (y/n): ").strip().lower()
        if response == 'y':
            if platform.system() == "Linux" and platform.linux_distribution()[0] == "debian":
                install_command = ["sudo", "apt", "update", "&&", "sudo", "apt", "install", "-y"] + missing_packages
            elif platform.system() == "Linux" and platform.linux_distribution()[0] == "redhat":
                install_command = ["sudo", "yum", "install", "-y"] + missing_packages
                print("Unsupported OS.")

            print("Exiting the script as required tools are not installed.")

def is_tool_installed(tool_name):
        if shutil.which(tool_name):
            return True
            return False
    except Exception:
        return False

def get_target_input():
    print("Choose the target input option:")
    print("1. Single target")
    print("2. Targets list file")

    option = input("Enter the option number (1/2): ")
    return option

def get_target_single():
    target_ip = input("Enter the target IP address to scan: ")
    return [target_ip]

def get_target_list_file():
    targets_file = input("Enter the path to the targets list file: ")
    if not os.path.exists(targets_file):
        print("File not found. Exiting.")
    with open(targets_file, "r") as file:
        targets =
    return targets

def get_scan_option():
    print("Choose a scan option:")
    print("1. nmap scan")
    print("2. sslscan scan")
    print("3. Both")

    option = input("Enter the option number (1/2/3): ")
    return option

def get_nmap_port_options():
    print("Choose an option for nmap port scanning:")
    print("1. Default port range (no -p option)")
    print("2. Single port")
    print("3. Port range")
    print("4. Full port range (1-65535)")

    option = input("Enter the option number (1/2/3/4): ")

    if option == "1":
        return ""
    elif option == "2":
        port = input("Enter the port to scan: ")
        return f"-p {port}"
    elif option == "3":
        start_port = input("Enter the starting port: ")
        end_port = input("Enter the ending port: ")
        return f"-p {start_port}-{end_port}"
    elif option == "4":
        print("You've selected the full port range (1-65535). This may take a while to complete.")
        return "-p 1-65535"
        print("Invalid option. Using the default port range.")
        return ""

def create_target_directory(target_ip):
    # Define the log directory path
    log_directory = os.path.join("/var/log", target_ip.replace(".", "_"))

    if not os.path.exists(log_directory):
        os.makedirs(log_directory, exist_ok=True)

    return log_directory

def run_nmap_scan(target_ip, port_options, log_file):
    nmap_options = ["-Pn", "--reason", "-A", "--version-all"]
    nmap_command = ["nmap"] + nmap_options

    if port_options:
        nmap_command.extend(port_options.split())  # Split port_options into a list


    with open(log_file, "a") as log:
        result =, text=True, capture_output=True)
        print(f"nmap scan complete. Results logged to {os.path.abspath(log_file)}")

def run_sslscan(target_ip, log_file):
    sslscan_command = ["sslscan", target_ip]
    with open(log_file, "a") as log:
        result =, text=True, capture_output=True)
        print(f"sslscan complete. Results logged to {os.path.abspath(log_file)}")

def main():
    option = get_target_input()
    targets = []

    if option == "1":
        targets = get_target_single()
    elif option == "2":
        targets = get_target_list_file()

    scan_option = get_scan_option()
    nmap_port_options = ""

    if scan_option == "1" or scan_option == "3":
        nmap_port_options = get_nmap_port_options()

    for target_ip in targets:
        log_directory = create_target_directory(target_ip)

        if scan_option == "1" or scan_option == "3":
            if is_tool_installed("nmap"):
                nmap_log_file = os.path.join(log_directory, f"nmap_results_{time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')}.log")
                run_nmap_scan([target_ip], nmap_port_options, nmap_log_file)
                print("nmap is not installed. Skipping nmap scan.")

        if scan_option == "2" or scan_option == "3":
            if is_tool_installed("sslscan"):
                sslscan_log_file = os.path.join(log_directory, f"sslscan_results_{time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')}.log")
                run_sslscan(target_ip, sslscan_log_file)
                print("sslscan is not installed. Skipping sslscan.")

        print(f"Results are logged in the following directories and log files:")
        if scan_option == "1" or scan_option == "3":
            if is_tool_installed("nmap"):
                print(f"Nmap results: {os.path.abspath(nmap_log_file)}")

        if scan_option == "2" or scan_option == "3":
            if is_tool_installed("sslscan"):
                print(f"Sslscan results: {os.path.abspath(sslscan_log_file)}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Step 2: Navigate to the Script Directory

Change your working directory to where the script is located:

cd /scripts

Step 3: Run the Script

Execute the script using the following command:


Step 4: Enter Target Information

You’ll be prompted to choose the target input option. Select one of the following:

  1. Single target
  2. Targets list file (you need to create a file with IP addresses one under the other)

Example (Single Target):

Choose the target input option:
1. Single target
2. Targets list file
Enter the option number (1/2): 1
Enter the target IP address to scan:

Example (Targets List File):

Choose the target input option:
1. Single target
2. Targets list file
Enter the option number (1/2): 2
Enter the path to the targets list file: /path/to/targets.txt

Step 5: Choose Scan Options

You’ll then be prompted to choose a scan option:

  1. Nmap scan
  2. Sslscan scan
  3. Both


Choose a scan option:
1. Nmap scan
2. Sslscan scan
3. Both
Enter the option number (1/2/3): 3

Step 6: Configure Nmap Port Options

If you selected an Nmap scan or both, you’ll be asked to configure Nmap port scanning options:


Choose an option for Nmap port scanning:
1. Default port range (no -p option)
2. Single port
3. Port range
4. Full port range (1-65535)
Enter the option number (1/2/3/4): 2
Enter the port to scan: 22

Step 7: View Results

The script will execute the selected scans, and you’ll see the results. If Nmap is chosen, the results will be saved in /var/log//nmap_results_.log. If Sslscan is chosen, the results will be saved in /var/log//sslscan_results_.log.


Results are logged in the following directories and log files:
Nmap results: /var/log/192_168_1_1/nmap_results_20231105_120000.log
Sslscan results: /var/log/192_168_1_1/sslscan_results_20231105_120001.log

Congratulations! You’ve successfully run the network scanning script. Feel free to explore the logs for detailed information about the scan results.


The Multiscan script for network scanning is a powerful tool for automating security assessments. By integrating Nmap and SSLScan, it enhances vulnerability detection and log management. This approach not only saves time but also increases the accuracy of security audits. Implementing this script within your network security strategy can significantly improve your organization’s defense posture.